Seniors Sensuality and Sexuality

Seniors Wellness – Age is Just a Number Recently I was a speaker for a Seniors Wellness Expo. The topic they needed to be filled was SEXUALITY. The invite put a smile on my face and of course I had to say YES! The ideas kept coming and I was quick to start my powerpoint to pull it all together. …

Balance is key

a Balance road sign

How do you stay in Balance?
Weekends to me are my chance to catch up professionally and personally.

Conundrum – What Needs to be Done VS What You Want to Do

Body Language for 2015

Did you set goals for 2015? Some refer to their goals set at a the beginning of a new year as New Years Resolutions. Have you ever thought futher about how to follow through on your goals to ensure their success? Someone once said, 'fake it til you make it'. Initially when I heard it said I evaluated it on ...