Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2014

Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2014
Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2014
Kerryleegh k Hildebrandtt RMT
Wishing you and your family wellness and resiliency*.

“Resiliency is the ability to overcome challenges of all kinds–trauma, tragedy, personal crises, plain ‘ole’ life problems–and bounce back stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful.”
– Nan Henderson

Respectfully, Kerryleegh

As a Massage Therapist and a MTAM member in good standing since 1989 you can imagine I have:

  • seen a lot,
  • done a lot,
  • and learned a lot!

Massage Therapy Awareness Week is also about the patient this year. You can imagine how surprised and pleased I was that the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba would take the opportunity to celebrate by rewarding the public and the RMTs!

In a recent post dedicated to the contest I encourage you to:

  1. SIGN up for my Blog so that you receive my news posts directly to your inbox
  2. ENTER yourself and other members of your family (only one email address entry – see Terms)
  3. SHARE with family and friends

Massage Therapy Awareness Week 2014                      #MTAW2014