Seniors Wellness – Age is Just a Number
Recently I was a speaker for a Seniors Wellness Expo.
The topic they needed to be filled was SEXUALITY.
The invite put a smile on my face and of course I had to say YES!
The ideas kept coming and I was quick to start my powerpoint to pull it all together. I too am a ‘senior’ so I felt it was important to remind people (of any age) that age is not an excuse (or alibi).
I called this event presentation – DATE NIGHT.
It was so much fun to prepare, I could hardly wait to see the attendees response.
In keeping with my scope of practice I decided we’d talk about the 5 senses and strength, stamina and flexibilty to cover the topic.
During the 45 minutes of time we had together I spoke during the powerpoint.
There was experiential participation with the attendees on:
Embodiment, types of Touch, Grounding, Chocolate! and the Biofield.
During our time together, I had referenced the 5 Love Languages and introduced the visual scale defining individual scoring 0-5 preferences to elevate their experience. Another Key Point – Let’s Age with Grace!
The audience was enthusiastic, participatory and some were even taking notes! You can watch the 5 minute powerpoint on Kerryleegh Hildebrandtt RMT YouTube channel
When you watch the DATE NIGHT presentation be sure to give it a thumbs up, comment and share. LINK